Friday 15 September 2023

Trip 10 - bye bye Gayton

Friday 15th September; Gayton marina to Grand Union between bridges 46 and 45.

A Friday in September is not a good day to drive up from the south-west – heavy traffic most of the way, with road works adding to the fun in places.  It took us more than an hour longer than it should have.  But we are back afloat so it was all worth it!

We left our berth at about 4.15 and started off in the wrong direction, to get a pump-out.  With that achieved, Dave reversed back to the marina entrance where we turned and set off. 

The sun was in our eyes but it was warm enough for shorts, so with our hats well down over our eyes we turned right at Gayton junction on our way towards Norton Junction.  We found a nice sunny spot between bridges 46 and 45 – rather close to the railway but that doesn’t bother us much.

I wiped over the solar panels, which had become dusty since we left the boat.  But that didn’t stop them working – the batteries were full when we arrived.  I wonder how well they will do as the autumn progresses?

Our plan is to spend the next two weeks cruising to Great Haywood marina as a stop-off on our way back to Droitwich for the winter.   But this evening a stoppage notice had appeared in my inbox – Colwich lock has a ‘structure failure’ and the navigation is closed.  Hopefully they will be able to give an expected date for repairs to be completed before we need to go through!  We will have to make other plans if not.

1 mile


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